vrijdag 18 maart 2011

Everyone is equal !

The cloud changes the way we do business… One or two decennia ago, it was almost impossible to think that a small company could compete against his major competitors in the market, simply because information access was limited an the small company did not have the financial means comparable to his big competitor.
Today this gap is as good as vanished, thanks to the Internet and the cloud !

Information Access

Via the Internet everyone has access to almost unlimited resources of information at no cost. I remember the days that we need to login into Bulleting Board systems (BBS) using analogue modems to download a manual or software patch. Now you find the most divers information about a topic with dozens of people sharing the same experience, saving you lost of time and allow you to learn new stuff in hours instead of weeks.

Unlimited resources !

Another phenomenon of the last years is the upcoming cloud industry, delivering the powerful collaborative tools, applications and computing power without the need of large CAPEX investments, but rather pay for what you are consuming. This means that you can setup a complete professional business with limited financial means with comparable infrastructure as you biggest competitor in the market !

For young entrepreneurs, these evolutions are maybe the most important democratic events happened in the last years. It allows creative people with smart ideas to compete with the same means into the real world. Your background or culture do not matter anymore.
As Information Technology is getting more and more dominant, I see the evolution of the Internet and Cloud industry as a very positive evolution for the world we live in.

Just look at some recent success stories such as facebook, twitter but also what happened in Tunisia and Egypt where young people found each other via the Internet and cloud tools to came up for their rights.

If I look to my children, I know they will be able to compete with the same means into this competitive world, this makes me very confident !

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