vrijdag 7 oktober 2011

The Green Cloud

The Green Cloud
When you ask people if Cloud computing is an ‘eco’ solution, you get Pro’s and Con’s. Some say that most cloud solutions run in energy inefficient datacenters spending a lot of unnecessary energy power, which must always be ‘on’. The others camp says that cloud computing delivers important energy savings thanks to the consolidation possibilities of virtualization technology, which is used on a large scale in cloud computing.
But what if you do as Colt does ? Make a modular datacenter and ship it to island. Island has unique power sources  based on  geothermal and hydropower. Cooling is just for free with fresh air from outside, the whole year long. 
Combined with a cloud computing solution where it does not matter where your data resides, your organization could really benefit from a dual source energy and cost saving solution.
This is one of the advantages of cloud computing. Cloud computing allows a true eco partnership where datacenters can be most efficient used in Island, development of new technologies in emerging countries such as Serbia or Roemenia and teams can work around the globe.

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